Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Few Quick Mini-Reviews :)

Since I have been gone for some time due to school work and such, I figured for my first post back since October I would write a few quick reviews for the few movies I have seen. Sadly, some are no longer in theaters, but hopefully someone will appreciate that I did see them before writing my Top Movies of 2011 list :D Which I shall begin starting the 1st of January!

Why couldn't this movie be as creative as The Fall?? It was a waste of my time this year, and frankly I almost forgot I saw it. The Grecian myths were jumbled, the protagonist was boring, and the story stayed flat from the beginning. The only thing nice about it was the sparkles and colors, but since when was sequence a popular fashion in BC?? Such a disappointment that, with a better script, could have been a really cool action flick. Many would say this is a male-oriented film, but even my boyfriend hated it, if not more than I. Waste of life.

Immortals: 1.5/5

After what felt like a very long wait, I saw The Muppets a bit after the Thanksgiving break and fell in love with its cuteness. I tried to see it again, but alas! Plans failed and I ended up seeing Young Adult. But I digress, The Muppets was a neat little throwback to puppetry and was also greatly amusing. My favorite part about it was the soundtrack, which this morning I bought on Amazon for $3.99 ;). It's a shame it only got a month in theaters, but what can you do?? With all the kid movies out, it was bound to leave theaters sooner or later. The advertising for this movie was just as great as the movie itself. I hope Disney does more with the muppets now that this movie has kind of brought them back into pop culture.

The Muppets: 4/5

The next holiday movie I did see was Hugo. I know, I know...I'm on a roll with the children movies this season. Probably because they were the best, but also because I have a feeling that my attention span is slipping (oh no!). However, this treasure was longer than most children movies, coming in at a grand total of 2 hours! It would be my only complaint about this one, if that at all. It was slow-paced, but beautifully executed, intriguing, and above all magical. I loved all the blues and golds. It also had enough Harry Potter actors to make me giddy (Helen McCrory being my favorite). And how could I not mention Chloe Moretz, because she is my absolute favorite up and coming actress and as always I cannot wait to see her in more! Sadly, I have noticed this movie is slipping from theaters as well, so please without a doubt go and see it, because it is a grand adventure. Plus, it is getting nominations left and right, so why not??

Hugo: 4/5

I was so excited to see an "adult" movie after so many childrens films, and this one seemed perfect because it had adult in the title :p. Either way, Young Adult is a fine movie, but if I could go back I may have exempted paying $9 to see it. It had quirky conversations that were amusing to listen to, but was in desperate need of some music. The reveal at the end was good. It's not like this writer-director duo doesn't have talent, but it may have flat-lined. I don't know if it has repeat value at all, but it was well acted and well written enough. I would call this one a rental.

Young Adult: 3/5

I really enjoyed the first of this series, but this one just didn't have the same flair. I thought it was a tad too long and the story just seemed way drawn out. It needed some cutting down for sure, but other than that it's a very enjoyable movie for the most part. Jude Law always looks and sounds so dashing ;D. And I really like Guy Richie's style, it feels a lot different that many other blockbusters. I'm intrigued if there will be more, seeing as Robert Downey Jr. is not signed on for a third one. Would be interesting if there was, but I'm sure I could live without it if there was not. The movie was a tad more predictable than the other, even though I was not expecting an early death scene. I must admit, I enjoyed Detective Dee much more than this (and sadly I did not make time to review that one).

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows -- 3/5

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